Created: 3 months ago

What’s new in DaVinci Resolve 19.1

Blackmagic has just released a brand new update of DaVinci Resolve. There are new free effects, fixes, and features inside that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Read this guide to find out more about the grand DaVinci Resolve 19 update!

To install updates manually, go to the DaVinci Resolve>Check for updates menu in the top left corner.

Let’s see what’s been added to DaVinci Resolve 19.1!

Fusion Titles and Generators

There are a bunch of new Text+ titles available on the Fusion title page. Most of them are simple, but still a good addition to a title collection you can access within the free version of Resolve. They can be customized and inspected as any other Text+ title available in the software.

You can also find new generators available via the Fusion Generators menu. Generators are also customizable - for example, you can test a new Cartoon Cloud Sky generator and control the separation, number of clouds, random seed, and other parameters.

Auto Media Sync

You can now auto-sync the media pool bins with file system folders. To auto-sync your media, you need to drag the folder that includes media to Resolve’s Master media pool. If you right-click on the appeared folder, you can select an Automatically Resync Media Files option. Now if new files appear in this bin, Resolve will automatically pick them up and add them to the media pool.

Now your media would be automatically synced and what’s also interesting, the media pool now remembers the last opened bins between restarts!

Improved Ducker

The Ducker tool has also been improved. The way Ducker works is when someone starts talking, the music goes down, and when someone stops talking, it goes back up. Previously, you’ve been able to use ducking only on one track, but now you can apply it for several tracks, for example when you have audio tracks with several people talking. To apply the Ducker, you simply need to click on the track that contains your audio, go to the Inspector, and select Audio>Ducker. Now there’s an option to add more tracks to the Ducker by clicking on the plus icon.

Access EQ & Dynamics

You can now access equalizer and dynamics directly from the edit page. To do this, stay on the Edit page and click on the Mixer menu in the top right corner - it will unlock the mixer panel next to the timeline. From here you have three controllers, such as track effects, EQ, and DY.

Hopefully, later there will be an option to control EQ&DY from the Cut page too!

Switch Node

The fusion page has a new handy switch tool that will add a lot of agility to the edits. You can access it via the select tool menu, by clicking Shift+Space. The switch node can increase the number of inputs you can use in building your Node tree. 

Now it’s easy to modify and keyframe up to 64 inputs at once!

Adjust Audio Volume

Additionally, you can now easily adjust audio levels within the Inspector panel. 

To do that, go to Inspector>File and scroll down to the Audio Configuration menu. By clicking on one of the tracks, you can control the Level parameter and bring up or down the volume value of an individual track. Now your audio edit is more agile! 

Smaller updates

There are several smaller updates that will also enhance your editing experience or at least help save time.

Get help and advise

There’s a convenient and quick way to get help within DaVinci Resolve - now you can just go to the Help menu and enter your question into the search bar. The solution parameter and path to it will be highlighted for quicker access.

Render Queue

Now you can customize the render queue even further by reordering the render jobs. To change the order, just drag one video over another to change the render priority.Also worth mentioning, render in place now supports metadata tags for filename.

Updated search

The effects search menu is now also updated and you can search for the categories as well as for the individual effects.

Disable new tracks

Now there’s no need to manually delete extra tracks, which Resolve creates automatically after you import a new clip. To turn it off, click on the Edit>Edit Options> and uncheck the Automatically Create Tracks on Edit option.

Fixed Playhead

You can now also fix a playhead for your convenience. To do this, click on the Timeline View Options and select a Fixed Playhead option. After that, you can also set its location anywhere you want while keeping it fixed. What’s also interesting is that clips are now always pasted at playhead instead of Ins.

To Sum Up

As always, Blackmagic design brings incredible features even in the smaller update! Check this link to read why getting a Studio version is worth every penny, and will make your editing process faster in dozens of times!

  Unlock unlimited templates for DaVinci Resolve - join EasyEdit Stock to get the highest quality LUTs, transitions, text effects, and more, with assets updated daily!